
Friday, February 11, 2011


The feeling of trust broken,
The sound of silent words unspoken,
Hurt entrenched, seeped hate from my heart,
Boundaries crossed from the very start,

What I believed was wrong,
I drew blank and heard the willows song,
Another world corrected there wrong,
A silence but not for long,

Purity turned black,
Happy turned black,
Innocence turned black,
Honesty turned black,
My heart turned black,

Tear scared face,
A sour bitter taste,
Lingers and haunts my thoughts,
I can't escape,
I couldn't escape this mental rape,

I'd kill you, I want to hurt you,
I want you to feel tainted,
Soft yellow walls painted, in my mind, Whimsical!
That's where I hid my better mind,
While you tried to take me from behind,

I haven't forgiven although I say, I did,
I try every time then I remember how I was just a kid,
So I hate you I do,
ever so true,
In the mid night blue,
I kill you!

In my thoughts, I kill you
In my spirit, I kill you
In my life, I kill you
In my soul, I kill you

I'm tearing apart your very existence,
And gripping your heart with powerful persistence,
I kill you!

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